Short Fiction


Mel’s. The Lakeshore Review. Spring/Summer 2023.

As winter dragged on, there was the sense that everyone was holding their lives together with tacks and hot glue.

Famous. Porter House Review. September 2019.

“Getting into a character makes you keep looking for the thing in yourself you don’t want to find,” I said. Well, technically, Philip Seymour Hoffman had said that, but what did they know?

Nominated for a Pushcart Prize


Waves. Madcap Review, Issue 10. July 2019.

The most amazing part of the city to me was this constant filtering, as if the world were one big turnstile. Sometimes I thought faces looked familiar, but then I forgot them as quickly as they had gone.

Nominated for a Pushcart Prize

Creative Nonfiction


Art and My Attacker. The London Reader, #MeToo: Stories of Survival. Winter 2018.

I am drawn to images in which someone, usually a woman, is being erased.